Conference information
Dear participants of the International Underwater Glider Conference 2024 in Gothenburg, Sweden
In a couple of days, you will travel to Gothenburg. About 160 participants will contribute to the program, and we hope you will have a great and productive time! This mail summarizes some information about the conference. You can find more information at our conference website
- Conference Programme
The conference program is available online at our conference website Please inform us in time if you cannot attend your session.
- The venue
Almost all the conference activity will take place at “Reveljen”, which is a small place so it will be obvious to find the registration desk, poster boards, restaurant, and oral presentation stage.
- 3. Breaks
Breaks are important, and we ensure that there is enough time to network and refresh yourself after long conference sessions. Please return to the conference room in time before the next session starts to avoid unnecessary delays.
- 4. Oral presentations
All presenters with oral presentations are requested to submit their presentation files on a USB stick to the respective chair(s) of their session, at the latest in the morning of their session. Please save your presentation in ppt/pptx or pdf format. Each presentation slot is 15 minutes in total, but please aim to finish after 10 minutes to allow for some questions or discussion. It is the shared responsibility of the speakers and the session chairs to keep the time, so that all presenters have equal opportunities, and the breaks remain free. The front row will be reserved for the speakers of each session.
- 5. Poster presentations
The poster walls will be installed on Monday morning and posters can stay on display until Friday. Poster authors should put up their posters as soon they arrive at the conference, for example during the breaks. The recommended poster size is A0 (vertical), but other formats can be accommodated. There is a poster printing service close to the venue: Duplica, Sven Källfelts Gata 9, 426 71 Västra Frölunda. Their website is in Swedish only, but you can contact them in English.
- If you are chairing a session
Please collect the presentations of your session on a portable storage (e.g., USB stick) ahead, so that they can be transferred to the dedicated presentation computer to minimize the transition time between the presenters. Please ensure that presentations keep to their time limits.
Please do not hesitate to ask if any questions remain. We wish you a safe and enjoyable trip and we are looking forward to seeing you in Gothenburg!
The Conference organizing team.

Conference secretariat
Abstract support:
Key dates
December (start): Call for abstracts and travel grants opens
December (end): Registration opens
Feb 29: Abstracts and travel grant submissions closes! - EXTENDED DEADLINE
April (mid/end): Abstracts and travel grants decided
May: Programme released
May 17th: Registration deadline